
Datastructures & Algorithms

40+ hours of live teaching and hands-on implementation of common DSA

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Demystifying the buzzwords AI and ML with 20+ hours of hands-on implementation

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Career guidance

Get a clear realistic view of your career path along with a plan to achieve it

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Mock interviews

To help cross the last barrier in getting a job

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Live sessions with industry specialists to get a feel of industry expectations

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Personalized scores

Get evaluated individually and know which strengths to polish & which weaknesses to improve

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1-on-1 mentorship

Dedicated sessions to get your questions & queries clarified by an expert

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Bootcamp 101

Platform for developing intermediate coding skills in an programming language

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Bootcamp 201

End-to-end hands-on project development with advanced programming proficiency

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Track record



12 Events
15 Departments
45 Certifications

Events & Workshops

[Feb, 2023] PSG CAS: I B.Sc. Mathematics

Foundation Masterclass : Kick off your software career today!

[Feb, 2023] PSG CAS: II B.Sc. Mathematics

Foundation Masterclass : Kick off your software career today!

[Feb, 2023] PSG CAS: III B.Sc. Mathematics

Foundation Masterclass : Kick off your software career today!

[Feb, 2023] PSG CAS: M.Sc. Mathematics

Foundation Masterclass : Kick off your software career today!

[Feb, 2023] Online Workshop

7-day product analysis program for 100+ students

[Mar, 2023] Kongu Arts & Science: I B.Sc. Mathematics

Exploring the connection between maths & software: Unlocking career opportunities

[Mar, 2023] Kongu Arts & Science: II B.Sc. Mathematics

Exploring the connection between maths & software: Unlocking career opportunities

[Mar, 2023] Kongu Arts & Science: III B.Sc. Mathematics

Exploring the connection between maths & software: Unlocking career opportunities

[Mar, 2023] Kongu Arts & Science: Workshop

Workshop on technical product analysis for 75+ students

[Mar, 2023] Sri Krishna Arts & Science: B.Sc. students

Introduction to the software industry

[Mar, 2023] Vellalar College For Women: B.Sc. Mathematics & Mathematics with CA

Exploring the connection between maths & software industry: Unlocking career opportunities

Data structures & Algorithms. A Beginners course

A language independent course to test the depths of DSA

  • 40+ hours of teaching with hands-on implementation and completion certificate
  • Introduction and hands-on implementation of all fundamental data structures
  • Understanding and recreating the most commonly used algorithms
  • 5+ hours of group activities to enhance communication skills and work as a team
  • Exposing and solving commonly asked interview questions
  • Exposure to available knowledge bases to build on top of above gained abilities
  • And much more...

Click on the below for more details...

  • Sorting
  • Searching
  • Intermediate
  • Recursive
  • Hashing
  • Randomized
  • Advanced (Basics)
  • Greedy
  • Backtracking
  • Divide & Conquer
  • Dynamic Programming

  • Beginner
  • Array
  • List
  • String
  • Intermediate
  • Queue
  • Stack
  • Map
  • Advanced (Basics)
  • Heap
  • Tree
  • Graph

  • Demystifying the buzzwords AI & ML

    Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

    • A brief introduction & distinction between AI and ML
    • Applications & opportunities in AI and ML
    • Brief introduction to Python
    • Introduction to supervised learning
    • Deep diving the Regression Model
    • Deep diving the Classification Model
    • Hands-on implementation of Regression & Classification models
    • And much more...

    Career Guidance

    Know your options before picking!

    • A comparitive analysis on various commonly available paths post graduation
    • An introduction to various opportunities as a graduate
    • An open forum discussion to share your goals and targets with experts for guidance
    • And much more...

    Mock Interviews

    Practice makes a man perfect

    • Multiple one-on-one mock interviews of 30-45 minutes duration with live feedback
    • Interview questions tailored per individual based on their targets, strengths & weaknesses
    • And much more...


    Moving from known to unknown

    • 6+ hours of certified live sessions with multiple industrial experts
    • Understanding of what the industry wants and how to learn it
    • Q&A session after every expert talk
    • And much more...

    Personalized scores

    Judging a fish's ability to swim and not climb

    • Customised report card per individual based on their unique abilities
    • Constructing a career decision matrix for suggesting most suited opportunities
    • Providing strengths & scope of improvement based on the individual's goals
    • Next step suggestions to achieve their targets
    • And much more...

    1-on-1 mentorship

    Ask and you shall recieve

    • Individual mentorship with industry expert best suited for the candidate's development
    • Multiple discussion with mentor to get continuous feedback on progress & ask questions
    • And much more...

    Bootcamp 101

    One small step | One giant leap

    • 30 days to bootstrap using one programming language with completion certificate
    • Hone your skills by making and breaking things
    • Learn through group activities & tailored assignments
    • And much more...

    Bootcamp 201

    Time to swim with the sharks

    • 90 days of internship-like exposure with completion certificate
    • End-to-end hands-on development on a project using multiple tools & programming languages
    • Combine with other people and work on various tasks of a project
    • And much more...